MEI Webinar - Effective Presentation Skills; March 28. 2024

ASH Medical Educators Webinar Series: Effective Lecturing for Generation Z; March 28, 2024 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern 

Generation Z (anyone born between 1996 and the early-mid 2000s), entered adulthood with pervasive use of the internet and social media, and are sometimes called “digital natives”. Gen Zers are frequently criticized by previous generations for wanting everything made easy for them. As medical educators, we are tasked with the question, should we adapt our teaching strategies to the preferences of this new generation, or stay with the traditional lecturing strategies that we experienced in training? In this session, we will talk about the principles of effective lecturing and how they may or may not be different when speaking to members of Gen Z.

  • Identify what all generations have in common with regards to learning
  • Describe strategies for starting lectures in ways that maximize engagement and attention
  • Describe 6 tips for effective presentation of epidemiological data
  • Identify the features of great storytelling and how these can be adapted to medical lecturing
  • Practice using body language techniques that enhance learner engagement